Page name: The Story of Lienae [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-10 19:38:24
Last author: aellie
Owner: Windstar
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This is where you actually roleplay. There is no need to create page breaks-this is to be a continuous story, and pagebreaks will only occur at scene changes. I will supply background and play the minor characters. If you see a previously minor character that you would like to use, send me a message and I will create a profile for you. However, once I do, you will have to apply just like anyone else, since it is a character I created.

Remember to write your part in story format, keep in character, use past tense and proper grammar. If I see something wrong, I will fix it, then send you a message saying that I did(if it's a biggie).

Do not power play. You are not invincible. If I see you power playing or someone complains about you trying to play their character, I will either kill you off or change passwords and put the character up for application once more. Note: occasionally someone other than me will be given permission to take control of some NPC characters. If this happens, only they and I can play those characters. If you do not have permission to use an NPC character, ait around for me or [Avoral] to respond, or message me or him with your ideas. This is not meant to be overly restrictive, it is meant to prevent severe plot problems. Also, if I see someone heading too far away from the plotline, I will message them and tell them, and give a few suggestions that should get you back in the mainline of the story.

Have fun!!!

As the construct entered the evil temple with the skull, Mirala focused her attention on it. The temple was one of the very few still dedicated to her in Lienae. Laughing with delight when she saw what it carried, she created a physical form and appeared before it. "Now what message might he have for me, my dear?" she said as she took the skull. A smile spread across her face. Two, eh? And one that could use magic? Her servant had done well. She raised one delicate hand, and a scroll appeared to settle gently in it. "Take this to my servant. You know which one. It is time he put his tools to use."

After a long period of travelling, the group of kidnappers and captives reached a clearing. They began to set up camp and tied Arin and Karen to a tree. Karen was still knocked out and her companion was still spitting fire. The whole time of being dragged to that very spot she lashed out with her legs whenever she could. For some odd reason, the men never tied her legs, which would have solved the problem.
Arin felt great satesfaction when she noticed the look of annoyance on her captors face.

  "...your mom probably hated you! I bet you are more stupid than the rock over there!" She indicated which brainless rock she was talking about by moving her head in that direction. "I bet you act all tough 'cause you're scared! So scared you have to put a stupid little protective shield to stop me! I bet you're ready to piss your pants!"

The human swordsman she had tackled hours ago walked over and slapped her across the face. He obviously still held a grudge. "Listen girl, just becausethe Mistress wants you alive, doesn't mean you can't be roughed up. If you want to avoid pain, keep your big mouth shut, or, by the Dark Stone, I'll hit you so hard you want be able to stop puking for a week."

"Tarek, you know better. The Mistress wants her intact, not just alive. There are plenty of ways to cause pain without damage." The dark elf walked over. "Now little spitfire, understand this. Normally I enjoy listening to your streams of insults. However, if the men get much more mutinous I'll have a hard time preventing them from killing you, and you have been steadily dropping in creativity for the last hour. So shut up or you get to deal with me. Got it?" He gave her a cruel smile.

Arin glared at the man, but resisted saying anything back; that slap hurt more than she wanted it to. If only she could just get out of these ropes. They were pretty tight, but still had loose spots. Unfortunatly, this didn't change a thing for Arin; her breasts were in the way. She growled, at both the man and her gender.

Tarek started forward, fist raised, but the dark elf blocked him. "That's a good little spitfire. See, you can behave when it's in your interest."

Arin barely resisted the incredible urge to spit in his face and instead turned her head to the side with a 'hmph'.

The dark elf flashed her a smile and turned to Tarek. "Remember, no bruises." He turned and went to the campfire, leaving Tarek as her guard.

Eleni stumbled through the brush and fell to her knees. Without her magic, she found herself unable to find a way to help her friends. Getting up, she noticed a small light coming from a clearing ahead. As though the light was calling to her, she heard Arin's voice yelling.

""...your mom probably hated you! I bet you are more stupid than the rock over there!" Eleni had snuck up near enough to see that she was behind the rock in which Arin was indicating. The human Arin had attacked earlier stepped forward quickly and slapped her. Eleni turned away and decided to go around to another spot. Staying in one place too long would have made it easy for any of the soldiers to find her. She quickly went to her left and pulled herself up into a tree.

"Tarek, you know better. The Mistress wants her intact, not just alive. There are plenty of ways to cause pain without damage." The dark elf Eleni knew she knew said to the swordsman. Eleni almost felt bad for Arin; she sat there struggling with the ropes that bound her, but her breasts were too large and got in the way. Eleni wouldn't have had that kind of trouble, but then again, she'd been trained well and had been through difficult things like this enough to know what to do. Suddenly, the branch she was on broke and she fell to the ground after the dark elf said "Remember, no bruises.". She wasn't sure the thump had been heard, but the broken branch was easily heard. She pulled herself up and ran as fast as she could to another tree.

The dark elf's head whipped around. He sniffed the air and smiled. "Well, well. An elf." He signaled to one of the soldiers and slipped into the shadows to watch for the elf he smelled. She was upwind, and he could still smell her...He smiled. Few elves knew the abilities one gained when one joined forces with the 'evil' gods. He quietly slipped around until he could see the tree she was behind, and saw her directly in front of him, looking at the camp. He laughed softly from behind her. "Well, well, decided to join us for dinner, have you?"

The hair on Eleni's neck stood up straight as the voice she heard only moments before this rang in her ears. Turning slowly, she came eye to eye with a friend of hers... or he was until she found out about his alliance with the 'evil' gods.

"Elizios Grasshorn. So nice to see you again. I see you stil have that scar..." Eleni knew she struck a nerve with that last line.

"My name is NOT Elizios Grasshorn! I have been known as Aranoth Gorentrae for the last hundred years. Have you not known of that name that causes the people around here to cower in fear?"

"No, I'm sorry, but I only know of an evil goddess that can strike fear into a person's heart. Now, back to the fight from years ago... the one that left you with the fun scar."

"I think it was a cheap shot you dealt me. Without magic, you are nothing, Eleni Swiftwater."

"Let us test it then." Elizios, now known as Aranoth, stepped forward. Eleni herself stepped forward as well. Determined to prove him wrong, Eleni forced herself forward even move, working to throw a punch at him. What happened next surprised her.

Aranoth twisted aside with lightning speed, grabbing her arm. He placed his blade at her throat. "You have not been training enough, old friend. Human reflexes are slow, and practicing with them dulls your own." Releasing her, he stepped back. "I believe my point has been proven, no?" He gave her a vicious smile, much like the one he had shown the thief only miutes before.

"Really, I would have never known." Eleni countered. Standing back up, she considered her options. Stand and fight Aranoth, possibly to the death, or run away, and find a way to help her friends. She considered the latter.

"Eleni Swiftwater, you will never free your friends now. Now that I know that one of the best is trying to help, security will be much tighter."

Turning and running as fast as her feet could, she could hear his voice once again.

"Goodbye Eleni."

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